
Wikipedia list of prime numbers
Wikipedia list of prime numbers

wikipedia list of prime numbers

This tactic was used in Operation Mongoose to brainwash the American troops into overthrowing Fidel Castro. Project Blue Beam will be used by the antichrist when he comes to the Earth to trick people that Jesus has returned.You can protect your brain by wearing you-know-what. The "Russian woodpecker" over-the-horizon radar signals heard on shortwave radio are actually a Soviet mind control experiment.It may have brought down the Columbia spacecraft. It taps the quantum vacuum energy, using a method discovered by T. The "Scalar Interferometer" is a powerful scalar wave superweapon that the Soviet Union used for years to modify weather in the rest of the world.HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) for possible use in "weather control" as a weapon.ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) for mind control.The United States Department of Defense (DOD) is experimenting with:.Yes, this includes reptilian shapeshifters. Or it’s, well, the short version is absolutely anyone you please. Or it’s liberals trying to destroy Trump’s presidency. There is no COVID-19 virus and it’s a smear campaign by the West to discredit the Chinese government.So, while not deliberate, you can argue their corruption has played a part in the spread.) (While bullshit, it’s worth noting there’s evidence China was more interested in saving face initially than actually warning the world about the outbreak. The Chinese government is behind the COVID-19 outbreak.Virus outbreaks like the 2020 coronavirus pandemic are triggered by 5G.

wikipedia list of prime numbers

Environmentalists banned DDT on an worldwide scale, which resulted in the deaths of millions in Africa.The "cure" for cancer actually exists but is being suppressed by the government.The mass die-offs of honeybees are attributable to megacorporation's desire to control the food supply.Water fluoridation is part of an insidious Communist plot to sap and impurify our precious bodily fluids.All scientists and politicians are trying to cover up that mercury in the vaccines is causing autism.All scientists and politicians are trying to cover up that AIDS is not caused by HIV infection.AIDS was created by the CIA and deliberately spread by the WHO via polio inoculations in Africa, to reduce the world population.There is a deliberate conspiracy on the part of the government and nuclear industry to intentionally poison the public with radioactive food.The Codex Alimentarius is a plan to poison us all.

wikipedia list of prime numbers

Scientific conspiracy theories Public health

  • 11 Top ten conspiracy theories in the UK.
  • 8 Just plain whacko conspiracy theories.
  • 5 Economic and business conspiracy theories.

  • Wikipedia list of prime numbers