This may be in expectation of an update, during development or corruption of the cache. When is it appropriate to use a hard reload or a hard reload with cache clearing? Hard reloads are useful if you want that all resources are downloaded from the browser. The keyboard shortcuts mentioned above should work in most of them. Tip: Most web browsers support regular reloads and reloads that bypass the cache. These resources may be cached and as a consequence may be loaded from cache even if you do a hard reload. The method takes situations into account where web pages may download additional content using JavaScript or other means that are not part of the initial page load process. You may ask yourself what benefit the clearing of the cache has as hard reloads bypass the cache. What it does, is clear the browser cache before the hard reload is activated. It includes the empty cache and hard reload option that you may use.

On the window that pulls up, check the boxes labeled Cookies and other site data and Cached images and files. Another keyboard shortcut to access this is Cmd+Shift+Delete on a Mac or Ctrl+Shift+Delete on a PC. It is also referred to as bypassing the cache. To clear your cache and cookies on Chrome, open the Chrome Menu and select Clear Browsing Data. To solve the problem, you can hard refresh the browser. For instance, the browser keeps showing out-of-date content. However, if the cache data is corrupted, you could encounter various problems. In this way, these browsers can speed things up and conserve communications bandwidth. Nowadays, browsers are designed to optimize web pages by using cache to keep local copies of pages, images, and other contents that users have visited, which makes it need not be downloaded again later.